DIY: KimmayTube’s pH-Balanced Leave-In Conditioner

KimmayTube's Leave-In

One of the things we go through the fastest in the natural hair community is CONDITIONER! Hands down!  An 8oz bottle doesn’t last a very long time, at least not for me. If you’re a Youtube junkie then you most likely have come across the KimmayTube’s recipe for a pH-balanced Leave-In conditioner. Everyone brags on this recipe.

This has become my go-to leave-in conditioner for my hair. I like it because 1/ it has so many good stuff in it that will benefit my hair and 2/ it STRETCHES my regular leave-in conditioner.

The original recipe uses:

  • 2 Tbsp Leave-In Conditioner
  • 2 Tbsp Aloe Vera Juice
  • 2 Tsp Jojoba Oil
  • 2 Tsp Castor Oil

Add all ingredients to a small bowl/container and mix until well blended.

KimmayTube Leave-In ConsistencyThis makes a fair amount of product; but I may think so simply because my hair is still short! This mix will need to be refrigerated as aloe vera juice tends to go bad fairly quickly.

The original leave-in conditioner for this recipe is the Kinky Curly Knot Today. However, any leave-in conditioner can be used. I use the Giovanni Direct Leave-In Conditioner.

If you want to do a bigger batch you can use the following:

  • 5 Tbsp conditioner
  • 5 Tbsp of aloe vera juice
  • 1 Tbsp Jojoba Oil
  • 1 Tbsp Castor Oil

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Here is a good video showing how to make this mix as well as testing the pH balance of the mixture. This Youtuber used both the Kinky Curly Knot Today as well as the Giovanni Leave-In conditioners.

If you are wondering what is pH-balance and why it is important when it comes to hair care, take a listen to this short informative clip.

I do recommend that you try this on your hair as it is awesome; not to mention (again) that it prolongs the life of your conditioner!

Happy hair day curlies xo


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22 thoughts on “DIY: KimmayTube’s pH-Balanced Leave-In Conditioner

  1. Charity says:

    I’d love to try this. But I don’t think the girls on dorm would take kindly to conditioner next to their peaches. Giving it a try at home. Thanks for sharing!!!!! I’m always looking for away to add more moisture to my leave ins

    • BlackZulu says:

      Put it next to the ketchup! 🙂 Its in a bottle so there shd be no harm but completely understand. Remember you can make it in small batches for one time use also.

    • BlackZulu says:

      I purchased the bottle in the photo (which is wayyyyyy too big really) at the Adventist Book Center on Nevis Street when I used to mix this up. I’m hoping to find a smaller bottle of aloe vera juice around to start using again so will def let you know where I find it! Also, you can easily make your own from the raw aloe but I personally loathe the smell so I do not venture!

    • BlackZulu says:

      Yes, it does. If you have a leave-in that you are already happy with, then you can stick with it. But if your leave-in is lacking then do give this a try. I promise you won’t be disappointed! Its also only 2 Tbsp of condish as the base so if you don’t like it, it won’t be a terrible waste 🙂

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  3. Toria Latrice says:

    I’ve been using this for years and my hair loves it! Thank you for the ‘Bigger Batch’ recipe though. I’ve always tried to just double or triple everything to make a bigger batch (4/6 Tsb and 4/6 Tbsp). I probably had it ALL wrong… math isn’t my strongest suit. Lol. I followed yours today and it’s perfect! Seems that it used less of my oils too than the way I’d have done it in the past so that’s a plus. 😉

    • Nekisha CD Lewis says:

      I’m so glad it worked for you! This is still a staple for me tho I have recently starting wondering if there are any new leave-ins on the market that works and budget friendly. The Giovanni on its own doesn’t do much of anything for me. In any event, I’ll stick to this till I figure it out 🙂

      Happy Hair days!

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